I know, I know, it's been a hot minute since i've updated my blog! I KNOW! And yes I've got good excuses! So much has happened in the last few months - I graduated! Yay! With a 2.1! Yay! I'm so happy. All the work that I've been doing since Reception all those years ago till now has accumulated and has been building up to this point! So, i'm pleased to say that.. I MADE IT! Woohoo!
Enough of the excitement. With a crash back to reality - I realise that my high status of "Redbrick University Graduate" automatically comes with the awful sting of... UNEMPLOYMENT (booo!). Well... for the summer that is. .
Or should I really "boo!" at my new status? Afterall, like I said, it is only for the summer. I think that anyone would be quite happy to watch Jeremy Kyle and Maury all day whilst eating ice cream. But wait. I need money.. damn you Capitalism!
Well forget that. I've been doing some voluntary work with a Social Entrepreneur in Birmingham called Shivani Mair. She's the Managing Director of The Careers Surgery. I've been doing loads of social enterprise workshops with her and young people in the Midlands. (Wolverhampton and Dudley to be precise).
I got my NCTJ textbooks on Saturday.......... O....M.....G (oh my gosh). AM I DOING LAW OR JOURNALISM!? HELLO!? The text books are madddddddd. We're learning all this stuff about Parliament, Local councils and the Monarchy! It's like I'm training to be a Barrister and not a Journalist lol.
Keep you posted!
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