I've just finished watching BBC 2's Welcome To Lagos.
I have mixed feelings if I am honest. Part of me feels that they portrayed the spirit of Nigeria very well in the first part of this 3-part documentary. I mean in the sense that they portrayed Nigerians to be hard working, ambitious, always striving to do better. On the other hand, why is it that the BBC choose to do a documentary on the most appalling part of Lagos - a dump.
Did they purposefully choose not to do a documentary on the parts of Lagos that are arguably just as good if not better than places in the UK. Did they choose to ignore the sky scrapers that one can see in V.I, the shopping malls, the HUMONGOUS houses that can be seen on the island of Ikoyi? Well, it begs the question.
To be honest, out of the two views on this documentary, my heart chooses the former. I do sense that they portrayed Nigerians to have the spirit of making the best of any situation. Yes, being proud to work in a dump does not paint Nigerians in the best light. However, I do believe that it is easy to focus on the negative in such a documentary and to lose focus of the reason why they chose to commission the documentary at all. Was it to portray just how bad Lagos is? Or was it to show that despite the situation Nigerians can always rise above their surroundings. Think about it. If this was only about the squalid conditions of Lagos, why would they show "Slender's" other lifestyle as a potential recording artist - as well as his steps to achieving such a title.
Let's face facts, the majority of people in Lagos do not live like those in Ikoyi. Although the lowest form of lifestyle in Lagos, what can be seen in that documentary is real and is the case for many Lagotians - even in this day and age.
Have a look. Form an opinion of your own. I would love to hear what you think about this documentary. Check it out on iplayer www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer. Type in "Welcome to Lagos" in the search bar.
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