So there we have it. History was made on Thursday 15th April 2010. A Live Debate between the heads of the three major political parties took place. I was very excited and anticipated it a great deal. I'm pleased to say that my anticipation was not disappointed. I anticipated a showdown and a
showdown it was!
I just want to briefly give my thoughts on this moment in history. Not only is it momentus in history but it is also momentus in
my life because I have changed my vote!
Opening Statement: Labour: Economy and "making the right decision" was at the heart of Gordon Brown's speech. He added a little sidenote not saying that "i know what this job entails" - showing that the other two, Cameron and Clegg, just do not have the experience to hit the ground running like he will.
Conservatives: I feel that he tried to empathise with the British Public by opening with the fact that the politians let the British public down because of the MP's expenses saga. "Change" was the crux of his speech... sounds very familiar... Obama?
Liberal Democrats: "Difference", "Alternative", "Open Politics". These are all soundbites from Nick Clegg's open statement and those three words pretty much sum it up.
OPENING STATEMENT VERDICT: Liberal DemocratsRound 1 - IMMIGRATION:Labour: To control and manage immigration. Points system - no unskilled worker can come in from outside of European Union. 40,000 less students expected this year because of a tightning of visa-controls, ID cards for foreign nationals.
Conservatives: Propose a limit on immigration (cap-system) of people coming outside the EU as well as a transitional system so that they do not all come once. Proposes Border Police Force.
Lib Dems: Restore exit controls. Proposes regional approach to immigration - skilled workers only allowed to work in parts of the country that require their skills.
Round 2 - CRIME/LAW & ORDERLabour: 80% of police time on street, parents should take responsibility for youth, the right to take injunction on police if they are not doing well, voluntary service for young people, maintain number of police staff.
Conservatives: Less paperwork and police out on the streets for a longer time, longer sentences, drug addicts to get over drug addictions.
Liberal Democrats: More police out on the streets, targeting the youth to move away from low-level behaviour.
(Question over public services - question over whether conservatives will cut funding in public services)
VERDICT: Liberal Democrats/Labour
Round 3 - MP's Expenses/Trust in MP's:Labour: The Constituents Right of Recall (sack MP), Reform House of Commons - MP elected by 50% of the vote, Reform of House of Lords (non-hereditary - elected instead and accountable). Smaller House of Lords - reduce by 50%.
Conservatives: Value for money politics - cut Whitehall by a 1/3 (cut number of MP's).
Liberal Democrats: Ability to sack MP, clean up of politics, fundamental reform of House of Lords.
VERDICT: Labour/Liberal Democrats
Round 4 - EDUCATIONLabour - teachers with better qualification, education will be part time or full time up until 18, no finance cutting in this sector - keep teachers and teaching assistants.
Conservative - more money into the school, external marking, discipline in schools, cut waste.
Liberal Democrats - "Let Teachers Tteach - Education Freedom Act (Government can't control what happens in schools), discipline, creativity - Smaller class sizes - do this by additional resources.
VERDICT: Liberal Democrats
Round 5: BudgetLabour: do not want to take out 6 billion pounds out of the economy - jobs and businesses at risk.
Conservative: save 6 billion pounds in coming year - cutting "waste", avoiding job tax proposed by labour
Liberal Democrats: honest and open approach, save 15 billion pounds, ending tax credits for top 20% of receipients of tax credits, ending Child Trust fund, cap of £400 on pay increases in public sector for the next 2 years, no replacement of Trident. 10% tax on profit of banks. Called Conservatives "waste" as "mythical".
VERDICT: debatable - no clear winner
Round 6: Armed Forces ImprovementsLabour: increased spending on equipment. Change of taliban tactics may be the reason why certain equipment was not suitable for parts of the warzone. Supports Trident.
Conservative: Fundamental defence review - equipment, pay etc. Supports upgrade of Trident.
Liberal: change of priorities - give proper pay, proper/better equipment - do this by cutting out spending elsewhere that isn't being spent properly (Trident). Supports review of Defence.
VERDICT: Conservative (narrowly)
Round 7: HEALTHLabour: Support home visits, personal patient garauntee - see specialists in 2 weeks, diagnosis in 1 week etc.
Conservative: NHS budget will increase each year, cancer drugs available to people who need them, Cancer Drugs Fund
Liberal: Priorities are wrong - more managers when departments are closing like maternity and A&E, wants to turn it on its head. Strategic health authorities stripped away and use that money for frontline NHS services. Tax relief on pension contribution. First £10,000
VERDICT: Liberal Democrats
Round 8: Looking after the elderly
Labour: support Urgent Needs Care - staying at home for free, if in old peoples home for 2 yrs + free medical care from then onwards, garaunteed that needs will be met in the long term. More measures for respite care.
Conservatives: Save £8000 by 65 garauntee elderly care will be free.
Liberal Democrats: money put aside by government for respite care to be given to carers - week off.
Labour: Avoiding the mistakes of 30s and 80s - unemployment up for 5 years after recession. Public funding maintained. NI tax is important to maintain police force, schools etc.
Conservative: Cut "waste" of 6 billion.
Liberal Democrats: Alternative to two old parties.
VERDICT: Inconclusive
post to be continued...